Best Hosting


99.9% Uptime Guarantee

99.9% uptime guarantee, and 24/7/365 support with quick response time.

Safe and Secured

Our team assured your web site is always safe and secure

Our Dedicated Support

Our support is fully dedicated, ready to help you with tech-related issues.

Pricing Plans


pricing image
Disk Space
Accounts Allowed
Additional Accounts
Monthly Bandwidth
Dedicated IP Address
Dedicated Support
WHM Access
24/7 phone support

We Offer


Do you offer SSD or Hybrid Storage?

YES, we offer SSD and NVMe storage which are most reliable storage.

Do we get trial option or refund?

Yes, All our plans come with 1-week full refund policy, you can use this option to trial any VPS you want. Sign up today with iWebToaster for your FREE Trial.

How long offer prices available?

As these are offer plans we have limited stock on them.

Will price be increased on next renewal?

If you get the offer VM’s the recurring price will be the same until you cancel it.

Do we get unlimited bandwidth option?

Yes, all our plan comes with 100mbps unlimited as a base option and you do get limited 1Gbps bandwidth with limited data based on the plan selection. You can choose any one.

How many IPV4 available?

All VM’s are provisioned with 1 dedicated public IPv4 except the Opossum IPv6 plan where you get only IPv6.

Days money back guarantee

Our web hosting plans come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Build and protect your brand

Launch your E-Comm Website on our secure and blazing fast servers.